Work Experience

Due to our busy nature and extensive programme of teaching we can find it challenging to facilitate applications for work experience.  However we are always willing to view each application of its own merits.  Some of the factors we will consider –

  • Age of applicant – we will only offer work experience to those over the age of 16 due to the sensitive nature of our work.
  • Career aspirations – we understand that not everyone is clear on exactly where they want to take their career.  However due to the sheer number of applications we receive we do look to offer placements to those who have a clear ambition to work in a healthcare setting rather than those looking for general administration experience for example.
  • Field of work experience wanted – we are happy to consider those who aspire to be clinicians but we will also consider those who wish to work in a support role.  Healthcare administration work experience can be easier to provide than a placement working alongside our clinicians.
  • Understanding of the role – we will meet with any applicant we may be considering offering a place to.  At this meeting we expect the applicant to have a clear understanding of confidentiality that we can then turn into practical application while they are on their placement.

We can only facilitate one or two placements each year but we commit to ensuring they have a dedicated mentor for the duration of their time here and a personalised plan that ensures they get the best from their time with us.

Applications for work experience should be sent via email to –