Register with our practice

Woodland Road Surgery is open to new patient registrations for those living within our practice boundary, which you can check below.

When a child is registering as a new patient, in order to comply with safeguarding best practice we insist that the child is registered at the same address as a parent, carer or guardian and we might ask for evidence of this.  Documents you may be asked to provide include birth certificate, residency/custody order or other court paperwork to prove who has responsibility for the child on a day to day basis.  Every case is looked at individually so if you have any special circumstances please contact the surgery to discuss.

The forms below are the additional forms that you will need to complete as part of your registration –

Adult New Patient Questionnaire

Child NP Questionnaire

If you have any difficulties, questions or concerns please contact us and ask to speak to one of the reception supervisors.

Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)

You can search for your postcode by clicking the magnifier in the top right corner of the map, this will indicate whether you live within the boundary or not.

Named GP

An accountable GP will be assigned to every patient and where a preference is expressed reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate this.