Contact the practice

Woodland Road Surgery

57 Woodland Road
B31 2HZ

Telephone: 0121 475 1065

Out of Hours: 111


Opening Times

Monday8:00am to 6:30pm
(Doors open 8:20am to 6:00pm)
Tuesday8:00am to 6:30pm
(Doors open 8:20am to 6:00pm)
Wednesday8:00am to 6:30pm
(Doors open 8:20am to 6:00pm)
Thursday8:00am to 6:30pm
(Doors open 8:20am to 6:00pm)
Friday8:00am to 6:30pm
(Doors open 8:20am to 6:00pm)

Physical accessibility

The practice has a small parking area at the rear and there are no parking restrictions on Woodland Road itself.  There is one disabled parking bay at the front of the practice.

The practice is served by the  46 bus route, which stops directly outside the practice.  We are also just a short walk from the 18 bus route which stops on the Bunbury Road.

Northfield town centre is a 15 minute walk away and is served by a variety of other bus routes.

Northfield train station is located just at the bottom of Woodland Road.

How to make a complaint

We accept as practice that we will not always get it right, we welcome all patient feedback and will always be honest and open when dealing with a complaint.  We ask that any patient who is unhappy with their treatment or the service they have received contacts us as soon as possible.  Complaints can be logged verbally or in writing, but they do need to be made by the patient or their representative where we have written consent from the patient.  All of our staff are trained to deal with verbal complaints and they can refer you to the most senior member of non-clinical staff available at the time.

Alternatively you can use one of the complaint forms available from reception or put your concerns in writing either via email or via the post.